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Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Who sits on the Board of Directors?
The RSCA Board of Directors is comprised of eight members. Five of the members are appointed as community representatives and two are elected parent members. The elected members may serve for two consecutive terms of two years each upon unanimous approval of the appointed Board members.
Our current members are: Kara Butts (appointed) Chairperson, Megan Williamson (appointed) Vice Chairperson, Tom Levins (appointed), Colleen Larson (appointed), Amanda Lay (appointed), Stephanie Corona (elected), Kayla Ammons (elected) and Pastor Mark McCarter (ex-officio member).
Q: How often do they meet?
The Board typically meets once a month.
Q: Where and what time do they meet?
Board meetings take place on campus. For the location of the meeting room, see Joy Yates. The meeting start times may be changed but usually they start at 4:30 pm.
Q: Are meetings open to the public?
Q: May I join in on Board Discussions?
If you would like to be heard at an RSCA Board meeting, please contact Joy Yates to be added to the agenda. You will be recognized by the Chairperson at the proper time and may then voice your thoughts. All other Board discussion is for Board Members only. Our members freely give their time to serve on this Board thus we strive to keep meetings efficient and succinct.
The RSCA Board values the input of parents, teachers, and staff; however, there are proper channels for resolving issues that may arise. Please see the student handbook, which you signed acknowledgment of, for guidance on resolution of conflict should the need arise.